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We recognize that access to the organic and “good food” movements, and to organic certification has not been equal across all communities and groups. Systematic racism has kept our movement from reaching its full potential.  

We recognize that the organic community needs some basic training for certifiers, inspectors, technical assistance providers, farmers, and staff at organic educational organizations. Organic Farmers Association (OFA), the National Organic Coalition (NOC), IFOAM North America, the Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA), and the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) have been collaborating on a project, supported in part through funding from the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, to support building a more diverse, inclusive organic movement.

As a part of this training, we are offering a FREE virtual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training for organic inspectors and certifiers

Date: Thursday, February 3rd, 10 am – 1.30 pm ET & Friday, February 4th, 10 am – 1.30 pm ET

Facilitators: Cambium Collective 

The goal of this training is for participants to better understand 

  1. why there are so few Black, Indigenous, and other farmers of color in organic, and 
  2. ways to identify concrete action that can be taken at participants’ agencies and organizations to create sustainable change. 

A prerequisite for the training is having watched the Virtual Presentation on the History of Racism in US Agriculture & Organic. A recording is available here: 

Training will build upon the information delivered in this presentation. 

Please note: the training will be capped to 50 participants. For this pilot training, spots will first be offered to a maximum of two participants per organization. Please consider joining the training waitlist in case spots open up, and for us to be able to show interest in this kind of training for future funding opportunities. 

Deadline to register is January 20, 2022!

Registration is Closed



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