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During the presentation Ramy Colfer and Johanna Phillips provided at the ACA conference, they touched on nitrogen authenticity testing. On January 16, 2025, AOAC hosted a webinar related to nitrogen testing. Several individuals expressed interest in more information. AOAC has shared a recording of the webinar session linked below.

The slides from the presentation can be found below.

If anyone is interested in next steps relating to AOAC validation – please see the following content from Pam with AOAC:

Our next step will be to convene a group of organizations who are willing to provide financial support as well as time and leadership, referred to as our Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel will make key decisions about the scope and prioritization of the activities to generate subsequent standards and methods. The organizations who make up the Advisory Panel both direct and enable the success of this initiative while AOAC staff will facilitate the process.
If you have an interest in having your organization join the Advisory Panel, please respond to this note. I will then set up a time to talk with you via conference call. If you’re ready to commit your organization to the Advisory Panel now, please use this link to document your organization’s commitment, contribution amount, and desired timing for the invoice.
We also anticipate a second group being formed, the Working Group, which would fulfill the commission provided by the Advisory Panel and would be more technically focused on the actual analytical method considerations. If you have an interest and the method expertise in authenticity testing, please sign up for the Working Group here.

Organic Authenticity Webinar slides 16 Jan 2025

View the webinar here.

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